The Presale Club

How The Presale Club transformed their investment operations with Presail

“Presail is a lifesaver for our investment group. It’s our command center for day-to-day operations. With everything in one place, we’ve regained control and can now offer investment opportunities to our investor group effortlessly.”



About The Presale Club

The Presale Club has carved out a significant footprint in the world of web3 investments and is considered the most prominent investor’s club within the Spanish-speaking community of both Spain and Latin America.

With over 25 investments in their portfolio and a strong community of 10,000 community members, they are champions of early-stage blockchain startups and pivotal supporters of the growing web3 ecosystem.

The Presale Club
Presail products adopted
Imports, Fundraising, Allocation Management, Investor Portal, Token Distribution

Drowning in Spreadsheets: the struggle to manage rapid growth

TPC Club's journey to the apex of blockchain investing was not without its challenges. Their rapid growth meant an expanding pool of investors to manage and multiple investments to oversee. Unfortunately, their initial methods—consisting of various spreadsheets, manual tracking tools, and ad-hoc processes—weren’t scalable. This fragmented approach made it difficult for them to maintain their standard of operational excellence while expanding their reach.

The turning point: a unified platform for investment management

Realizing their need for a more sophisticated and centralized management platform, TPC Club turned to Presail. They were especially enticed by Presail’s allocation management functionality, which not only helped organize past investments but also streamlined future fundraising operations. Presail's ability to set up multiple community pools with varying rules, fees, and contribution limits made it easier for TPC Club to adapt to their growing community's diverse needs.

Solution: command center for streamlined investments

Presail’s platform served as the holistic solution TPC Club was searching for. It not only tackled their immediate needs around fundraising and cap-table management but also provided an entire suite of tools that brought automation to their investment process. From KYC and AML checks to detailed investor profiling, every aspect was covered.

"One of the things we didn't expect but absolutely love about Presail is how it brought our team's efficiency to a new level. Tasks that used to take days now take hours. It’s incredibly liberating." David, CFO, TPC Club

Results: regained control, elevated efficiency

Upon adopting Presail, TPC Club experienced transformative benefits. They saw a large reduction in manual operations and a more efficient fundraising cycle, translating to more capital and higher impact in the web3 ecosystem.

"Using Presail has not only empowered us to manage our growing number of investors effectively but also enhanced the user experience. We’re now in a position to support the web3 ecosystem more powerfully than ever," adds David, CFO at The Presale Club.

Why Presail was the right fit for The Presale Club
  • Unified command center: A single platform offering a plethora of features, including fundraising, cap-table management, and community pools, allowing TPC Club to manage multiple facets of their operation seamlessly.
  • Automation-enabled efficiency: With a reduction in manual tasks, Presail’s automation features significantly enhanced TPC Club’s operational efficiency. Automation is not just a feature but a core aspect of Presail that supports rapid scaling.
  • Community-first approach: Presail's capability to set up multiple community pools with flexible rules aligned perfectly with TPC Club's community-driven investment philosophy, thereby enhancing user experience and community engagement.

Ready to transform your venture like The Presale Club did?

The path to simplifying your Web 3.0 investment workflow starts here.

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