MH Ventures

How MH Ventures automated their token distributions and unified their deal overview.

Key achievements

Decrease in manual task management.
Increase in investment efficiency.
When we receive tokens from a project, we use Presail to distribute them to all our investors. It saves us a lot of time because the token calculations and investor notifications are handled automatically. We have imported all our past deals, and manage all our vesting schedules through the system.


Co-founder, MH Ventures

About MH Ventures

MH Ventures is a boutique full-service Venture Capital firm that invests in disruptive technologies. They are a leading crypto fund based in Europe & Asia with deep connections in DeFi and web3, and have invested in over 230 projects and companies. MH currently invests in innovative solutions at Angel, Pre-Seed, Seed, and Venture/Private Round stages, and has established itself as one of the prominent funds in web3, most notably as of late with their last initiative 300DAO.

MH Ventures
Presail products adopted
Deal Imports, Token Distributions, Fundraising, Compliance, Allocation Management

Replacing manual tasks in sheets with automated token distributions.

Before Presail: Managing investments and vesting in spreadsheets.

MH Ventures' biggest strength lies in its team and its ability to secure great strategic investments. But as the fund grew, they encountered the challenges of using spreadsheets to manage all their investments. MH found themselves dealing with tasks like calculating allocations, setting up vesting breakdowns, and making investor announcements. With every new deal, token distributions became more of a time-consuming hassle.

The turning point: one platform to rule them all

Realizing the inefficiencies of their manual processes, 300 DAO turned to Presail. Intrigued by its comprehensive suite of investment management tools, they found the solution they'd been seeking.

The Presail solution: transforming investment workflows

With Presail, 300 DAO found their perfect match. Not only did they efficiently manage deal flows, but they could also easily handle token distributions and vesting schedules. The automation features turned out to be a game-changer, freeing the team from monotonous manual tasks.

"The capabilities of Presail are astounding. From deal management to token distribution, every feature comes together to form a harmonious workflow. It’s a one-stop solution for us."
— Kamran, Co-founder, 300 DAO

The impact: skyrocketing efficiency, paving way for growth

After implementing Presail, 300 DAO saw an immediate 80% reduction in manual tasks and a 60% increase in operational efficiency. This newfound efficiency allowed them to concentrate on their core objective—strategic investment, and effective fund management.

"Presail allowed us to elevate our efficiency levels dramatically. We can now focus on what we're best at—sourcing and managing stellar investment opportunities." said Kamran.

Why Presail was the right fit for 300 DAO
  • Centralized platform: Presail's platform offers centralized deal management, eliminating the need for disparate tools.
  • Automation meets efficiency: Presail’s comprehensive automation features led to a significant reduction in time and manual effort, enabling 300 DAO to focus on strategic initiatives.
  • Scalable solutions: Presail's scalable solutions were precisely what 300 DAO needed to keep up with their aggressive growth plans.

Ready to transform your venture like 300 DAO did?

The path to simplifying your Web 3.0 investment workflow starts here.

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